Space Engine planetary Database Wiki

Variscotti is a temperate arid terra with life that orbits HIP 36175, an orange dwarf. It has 1 moon, a small asteroid with a diameter slightly larger than Deimos'.

Atmosphere and Climate[]

Variscotti has a thin atmosphere made of mainly O2. Other molecules in the atmosphere include H20, CO2 and N2. With an atmospheric pressure of 0.0008891 atm, living on this planet would be extremely difficult for humans.


The surface of Variscotti is covered with craters and small hills. Some volcanoes can be found around the planet.

Ambel Plain[]

A giant plain can be found in the middle of the planet's day side, facing right towards the star. Temperatures can reach up to 300 °C here.


Despite these harsh surface conditions, life has found its way into the thin atmosphere. There are three types of life that exist in Variscotti's airspace.


Most Varisk lifeforms are single-celled organisms that float around the air. They mainly eat gasses in the atmosphere but have been known to infest hunters' dietary tracts. Their population is kept in check by filter-feeders.


Filter-feeders can be found all across the sky. As their names suggest, they feed on bacteria. 25% of all Varisk life are filter-feeders.


The last of the three, hunters live mostly on the night side of the planet, ambushing and attacking any filter-feeders (or other hunters) that get too close to the darkness.



Variscotti seen up-close.


Variscotti with HIP 36175 behind it.
