(This page was done on April 11th, not April 12th.)
Petrucha's information[]
This planet is a temperate superterra located near the solar system that was discovered on July 5, 2007. The planet is also known by the data name "Gaia DR2 143239568800467584 h", as it is the seventh away from its parent star. Unicellular life has been discovered on this planet. The planet has a diameter of 13769.30 miles, or 1.7371 radians, larger than that of the Earth. The mass of the planet is large, at 8.0842 M⨁. The density of the planet is 8.5986 grams per cubic centimeter, with the oblateness being 0.0141556. The effective temperature of the planet is 272.63 kelvin; the conversions for that are -0.52 degrees Celsius or 31.064 degrees Fahrenheit. The earth similarity of the planet is 0.822, with the albedo being 0.372498. The rotational period of the planet is 9 hours, 21 minutes, and 35.83 seconds, with the solar day of the planet being 9 hours, 21 minutes, and 53.76 seconds. The axial tilt of the planet is 6*11 or 36.47 " The planet is young, with it only being 1.664 billion years old. The gravity on the equator of the planet is 25.895 meters per second, with the gravity on the poles being 27.041 meters per second. The circular velocity of the planet is 10.60 miles per second, with the escape velocity of the planet being 15 miles per second.
The orbital type of the superearth is the standard elliptical type. The planet orbits the star GAIA DR2 143239568800467584, a K type star. The planet has an orbital period of 2.008 years and a semimajor axis of 1.84 AU. The superearth has a pericentric distance of 1.81 AU with an eccentricity of 0.016. The inclination of the planet is -2*20’53.71", with the ascending noose being -73*48’12.96". The argument of the pericenter being 79*30’36.74", and the mean anomaly being 191*27'04.15". The longitude of the pericenter is 5*42’23.77". The hill sphere radius of the superearth is just as large as expected, being 2917248.92 miles large, though it is a little smaller than expected. The influence sphere radius for the superearth is 2044265.77 miles, with the rocket limit for satellites being 11831.81 miles large. There are two major moons around this planet. The planet has been observed to have more clouds on average than the Earth, enough that it's super rare to find a totally clear sky. Throughout most of the planet, the skies have at least several large clouds, though large-scale storms are not that common. The height of the atmosphere on the planet is 14.95 miles, with the tropopause height being 13379.86 feet. The height of the homogeneous atmosphere is 6774.89 feet, with the atmospheric pressure of the planet’s atmosphere being 3.04 ATM. The air density on the planet is 5.5847 kilograms per cubic meter, with the air temperature here being 277.84 kelvin.
The speed of sound on this superearth is 890.29 feet per second, with the exosphere's temperature being 1379.1 kelvin. The greenhouse effect on the planet is 5.1841 kelvin, which is not that much. The average molar mass in the atmosphere is 43.828, with the mass of the planet’s atmosphere being twice that of the Earth’s atmosphere, or around 2.7431*10-6 M⨁. The planet’s atmosphere required some changes during the terraforming of the planet because it is 98.7% carbon dioxide, with nitrogen making up only 0.965% and oxygen coming in dead last at only 0.253% of the atmosphere. There are not that many mentions of the planet in pop culture and western media, like most exoplanets, but it is the model for how life on a planet of its size could evolve. It is nicknamed the Kansas of planets due to the large, flat plains dominating the continents of the planet. The planet is also the subject of a speculative evolution book/series called "Magnus Homo" that imagines what would have happened if humanity had evolved on this planet instead of the Earth. Humans that would have evolved on the planet would be below 5 feet due to the gravity, but they would have more strength on average. Humanity would also be a semi-agrarian or hunter-gatherer civilization for a longer period of time due to the conditions of the planet demanding that humanity move slower and farm more, but this would not be permanent. Something like that of the Plains tribes in North America.
Marphucha | Frakelsia | |
Photograph | ||
Class | Temperate selena | Temperate desert |
Mass | 0.0057638 M⨁ | 0.075601 M⨁ |
Diameter | 1694.64 Miles | 3440.80 Miles |
Orbital period | 44H - 2M - 57.73S | 3.566 Days |
Solar system[]
The planet is part of a 13-planet system around a K-type star. It is the 7th in its system, being between a hot Oceania and a cool Selena. There are 3 gas giants in the system, with one of them being a binary. There is an evaporating planet in the system.
Solar system gallery[]
(This is a mod exclusive version of this planet and a magnitude up or down might change it. To get this planet in specific and its system, go to 5M GAIA Catalogs (Mod). 7M will change this world into a hot desert.)