[This is a mod exclusive version of this planet and a magnitude up or down might change it. To get this planet in specific and its system, go to 5M GAIA Catalogs (Mod).]
The planet has a diameter of 19883.77 miles, or (2.5086 R⨁), with a mass of 11.348 M⨁, or 6.7794*10^25 kilograms, and a density of 4.0337 grams per cubic centimeter. The oblateness is 0.0204134, with the effective temperature being 113.93 kelvin, and the Earth Similarity index is 0.445. The rotational period is 11 hours, 23 minutes, and 13.27 seconds, with the solar day being 11 hours, 23 minutes, and 18.44 seconds, and the axial tilt is 11*50’59.36”. The age of this world is 3.379 billion years, with the gravity on the poles being 18.435 meters per second, and the gravity on the equator is 17.314 meters per second. The circular velocity is 10.45 miles per second, with the escape velocity being 14.78 miles per second.
The height of the atmosphere is 17.58 miles, with the tropopause height being irretrievable, and the height of the homogeneous atmosphere is 5157.23 feet. The atmospheric pressure is 0.0635 atm, with the air density being 0.23776 kilograms per cubic meter, and the air temperature is 114.86 kelvin, or -252.922 *F / -158.29 *C. The speed of sound here is 631.74 feet per second, with the exosphere temperature being 1016.4 kelvin, and the greenhouse effect is 0.53541 kelvin. The average molar mass is 41.229, with the relative mass being 1.6053*10^-8, and the real mass of the atmosphere is 1.8216*10^-7 M⨁. Carbon dioxide makes up 82.6% of the atmosphere, with Nitrogen at 12.8%, Carbon dioxide at 4.39%, and Neon at 0.138%.
The planet has an elliptical orbit, with the parent being a solitary star, and the orbital period is 10.307 years. The semimajor axis is 5.08 AU, with the pericentric distance being 4.79 AU, and the eccentricity is 0.058. The inclination is -1*21’52.29”, with the ascending node being -152*41’42.19”, and the argument of pericenter is 197*20’34.02”. The mean anomaly is 29*18’38.51”, with the longitude of pericenter being 44*38’51.82”, and the mean longitude is 73*57’30.34”. The hill sphere radius is 0.10 AU, with the influence sphere radius being 0.08 AU, and the Roche limit for satellites is 13247.73 miles.
The core sits quietly. Though it is hot and spinning, it is too small for its planet. This core has around 1.5 – 2 times the mass of the Earth and is around the same size as the Earth, if not a little smaller. This small core is also too slow for its planet, going at around a 1/3rd slower than what is to be expected of it, and thus it generates a thin magnetic field. Luckily, this planet is not really affected by the outbursts of its parent star. The small core is made up of denser and harder materials, with iron being a very prominent one. The mantle is also cold, as in, it is colder than what is expected of it. It’s still molten in the lower layers towards the core, but in the higher levels, the boundary between it and the crust becomes fuzzier as both sort of fuse into each other. Speaking of the crust, it is very thick, hard, and dense. It does not allow any tectonic movement, which explains the globally flat landscape, and it does not allow for any breakages, meaning that volcanoes could not form. Some past collapsed volcanoes have been found, but they are few, and most could also just be craters or circular bays.
The planet has a very flat landscape. The lack of any tectonic or volcanic activity for millions of years has eroded the landscape to a Kansasien plain. If you were to stand on the surface, the horizon would be a flat horizon, with only some marginal bumps of sediment deposits. These flat lands are united by one megacontinent, which is held together by thin landbridges and straights, which, to add, is what that megacontinent has a lot of. This megacontinent also has very rigid, though beach-like coastlines, which gives the planet a scarred / diverse look. There are almost no islands here, and if there are, they are either circular tundraic islands or rigidly shaped straits that are only a few feet below sea level to be connected to the main continent. Lakes here are large but shallow and normally follow a horizontal curve unless they are collapsed volcanoes.
The climate here is dry and cold. This antarctic-like desert climate spans the entire planet, and when the atmosphere is removed, the landscape looks like a silver wasteland. This is why this titan is considered a “desert world”, as the native hydrocarbon cycle does not move fast enough for the air / ground to not become a cold Sahara in quality. This lack of regular hydrocarbon replenishment / cyclage has also made the weather very passive, as there is not enough hydrocarbons to condense into clouds and thus any other type of weather. The best you would get is occasional weak breezes and limited showers. This can be seen from space where the clouds are seen to be very far from eachother, sometimes a whole earth from one another.
The planet has a somewhat large moon system. The system has two major moons, and plenty of small dwarf moons. The 2 Major moons along with 3 small dwarf moons orbit on the planetary plane, and they seem to have formed along with the planet judging on the composition. There is a significant gap, and then a small cloud of captured steroids. Those dwarf moons seem to have come from this system’s outer asteroid belt, which makes sense considering this planet is big and on the edge of said asteroid belt.
Minarmaca | Loparanikka | |
Image | ||
Class | Cold ice world | Cold ice world |
Mass | 0.00084475 M⨁ | 0.011343 M⨁ |
Diameter | 899.03 Miles | 2289.75 Miles |
Orbital | 25h 26m 42.59s | 5.007d |
Star system[]
The star system which this planet is part of orbits a solitary orange luminous supergiant. The system has 12 positions, 10 of which are occupied by planets, and 2 are occupied by dwarf planets. The star system has mostly terrestrial worlds, with the gaseous / iceous worlds being spread between them. There are two asteroid belts in this system, both having a high population of asteroids, which may also signify some sort of stunted development of the system. The first asteroid belt occupies the 3rd world’s position, and the secondary asteroid belt occupies the 10th world’s position and then some. The system also has a large oort cloud which begins as soon as the 11 world’s position.