Katshiba is a hot arid terrestrial planet orbiting the white subgiant star Zubenhakrabi in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is the 2nd planet in the Zubenhakrabi System, also called the Katshiba system. Its name comes from the Arabic "katshib"; literally meaning "ketchup", referencing its vibrant red appearance.
Katshiba has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of water vapor. It also contains significant amounts of dinitrogen, carbon dioxiden and sulfur dioxide. The atmosphere's sulfur dioxide absorbs ultraviolet radiation, emitting light in the red part of the spectrum, causing its distinctive vibrant color. The high concentration of water vapor cause Katshiba's climate to be inconceivably humid, and contributes to strong greenhouse effects, amplifying the planet's temperature.
Surface and Climate[]
Katshiba's surface is moist, barren, and mostly flat. The high humidity and temperature cause severe weather conditions. Violent storms, acid rain, superheated wind, and turbulent atmospheric dynamics are common. These storms involve intense lightning and high-energy atmospheric phenomena driven by the extreme energy in the atmosphere. Katshiba is also volcanically active.
Zubenhakrabi System[]

Zubenhakrabi System
Katshiba is the 2nd planet in the Zubenhakrabi system, also called the Katshiba system due to its popularity. Katshiba's closest neighbor, Hakrabia is a small, volcanically active planet with a thin atmosphere. It is known for its canyons and brown "stains". The third planet in the Hakrubia system is Mabooj, a superoceanic ringed world. Mayuniza is a large terrestrial ice planet with rings, known for its vibrant blue atmosphere and bright surface. Sharab is a Mars-sized planet with 14 moons. Babaganoush is the 6th planet in the Zubenhakrabi system, known for its patchy purple and gray appearance. Tahini is similar in appearance to Mayuniza, although it lacks a significant atmosphere and has much larger rings. The twin planets Hakrab Alakhua and Hua Hakrabia orbit their parent star at a distance of 50 AU. The final planet in the Zubenhakrabi system is Hakrab Nihaya, more commonly known simply as Nihaya. It is known for its colorful rings and elevational diversity. It has a large moon named Nihayia,

Katshiban astmosphere

Katshiban sunset