Space Engine planetary Database Wiki

(I decided to change the way I present the star system of these planets. I.e, it is just a comparison chart that intentionally leaves stuff out.)

Gohiael's information[]



The planet’s diameter is 7059.86 miles, with the mass being 1.1099 M⨁, (or 6.6308*10^24 kilograms), and the density is 8.6972 grams per cubic centimeter. The oblateness is 0.00721886, with the effective temperature being 332.21 kelvin, and the Earth similarity index is 0.783. The rotational period of the planet is 12 hours, 54 minutes, and 56.64 seconds, with the solar day being 12 hours, 56 minutes, and 0.98 seconds. The age is 1.792 billion years, with the gravity on the poles and equator is 13.925 meters per second and 13.621 meters per second, both of which are around 1.4 g, and the circular / escape velocity is 5.49 miles per hour and 7.76 miles per hour.


The planet’s atmosphere has a height of 39.28 miles, with the tropopause height  being 30680.64 feet, and the height of the homogeneous atmosphere is 16915.95 feet. The atmospheric pressure here is 2.24 atm, with the air density being 3.1953 kilograms per cubic meter, and the air temperature is 337.95 kelvin, (64.8 *C, 148.64 *F).  The speed of sound here is 1008.73 feet per second, with the exosphere temperature being 1702.8 kelvin, and the greenhouse effect is 5.7225 kelvin. The average molar mass is 42.511, with the relative mass being 9.1379*10^-7, and the real mass of the atmosphere is 1.0142*10^-6 M⨁. Carbon dioxide is 90.3% of the atmosphere, with Nitrogen at 7.76%, and Oxygen is at 1.75%.


The orbital type here is elliptical, with the parent being a solitary star, and the orbital period is 1.066 years. The semimajor axis is 1.21 AU, with the pericentric distance being 1.14 AU, and the eccentricity is 0.058. The inclination here is 0*07’44.93”, with the ascending node being -103*13’42.99”, and the argument of pericenter is 5*14’56.85”. The mean anomaly is 11*24’42.68”, with the longitude of pericenter being -97*58’46.13”, and the mean longitude is -86*34’3.45”. The hill sphere radius is 944659.29 miles, with the influence sphere radius being 606237.82 miles, and the Roche limit for satellites is 6103.79 miles.



The internal system here has a pretty small core. This small core is also colder than most despite how young this world is, and it also spins slower than what is expected. This also applies to the mantle, with it being hard and generally unoving, essentially causing an early fusing of the tectonic plates. This smaller than expected core has a very large “outer core” section, it is mostly made of “cold magma”, and the inner core is barely hot enough to even reach the levels of the Earth’s core. This internal structure seems to signify that this world may turn into a warm desert, essentially a hotter version of Mars. The magnetic field here also seems to be very weak for a young planet that, based on the composition of the rest of its star system, should have a field way stronger than even the Earth. In short, the internals here signify that this world will soon die and turn into another desert.


The planet’s geography is land dominated, with a few large seas (not oceans) that have a small network of shallow rivers connecting them, directly or indirectly. These large seas are shallow themselves, not reaching any depths more than 1 - 2 miles. The land and sea are both very flat and barren, and mountains are not really a thing here, only hills, and ones which are more ancient. Most likely due to the planet’s tectonic plates already fusing. The lack of water indicates that so far, the planet has not received that many comets / no large bombardments. Overall, flat, boring, and indicative of less than sufficient comet-based water receivement. And one more thing, the rivers here have large, sandy coastlines of their own, as seen from space, sort of mapping out the network without any real effort. The seas however, do not have any sand-beaches of their own.


The climate here, just like the geography, is boring and dry. The limited amounts of water that there are here do not make the climate any more humid than an oven, but they at least do a * somewhat * good job at keeping the climate at least bearable temperature wise. The weather here is calm, sunny and partly cloudy days rule, with events like thunderstorms, cyclones, showers, end up always being very weak and ineffective at doing any real damage to the environment. It is seen that the strongest storm here was a cyclone during late 2021 which managed a Category 1 rating. It goes fair to say that the wind speeds here are also very low on average. Summary: Boring, clam, and dry.


The biosphere here is very limited considering that the planet is pretty young, plus the fact that life is entirely unicellular. The biosphere however is a bit more advanced when it comes to unicellular life. It has advanced to the level of Eukaryotic cells and has developed the ability to form large colonies. This is best seen at the coasts where coastal rocks get covered by large swarms of colonial cells, which also have the color of deep green. Some of this Eukaryotic life also blooms during the * summer * and * spring * periods, where they cover a noticeable portion of the water in their evergreen glory. The cell life here is around the size of the life found here, though it is on the bigger side of things. It is a shame that this life might not even reach multicellular level considering the planet might erode away into a lifeless desert by the time they even could advance to that point. But, by then they might have a refuge. There seems to be a few “species” of cells here who have the ability to create colonies underground, and they seem to have a resistance to interstellar radiation from the parent star. They might be the last life of this planet when it eventually dies.


Moon system[]

The planet has a small moon system. It has 2 close dwarf moons which were most likely remnants from formation that would have been part of the planet. Those two asteroids orbit tight to each other as well. The planet besides that also has two major moons, both of which are average size warm selenas.

Kollar Zedex
Class Warm selena Warm selena
Mass 0.0014828 M⨁ 0.0017683 M⨁
Diameter 951.75 Miles 898.10 Miles
Orbital 20h 33m 46.45s 37h 39m 14.38s

Star system[]

This planet exists in a star system which orbits a solitary white main sequence star. This main sequence star has 10 planets and 2 dwarf planets orbiting it, and 2 of the planets in the system have life of any kind, 6 and 7. The system has an oort cloud but no asteroid belt. The system’s first and second planets act as planetary comets which spew out minerals into the rest of the system, most likely seeding the 7th planet, (giving it the materials), for it to develop life.
