(No, I will not convert. One of the pitfalls of this version is the atmosphere. The oceania around this gas giant had me a bit confused for a second because its atmosphere is so, not there. For reference, it would be like any planet but the atmosphere in specific was turned off, that is how the moon's environment ingame looks like. I also have 4 modern worlds in the works too that are going to come after this world. Last thing to note here is that this system is very reminiscent of a common exoplanetary system, i.e only contains one planet and that planet is a Hot Jupiter. )
Evelosture's information[]
The gas giant has a diameter of 146301.672 km, (90907.644 miles), with a mass of 9.8679 M♃, and a density of 11.54 grams per cubic centimeter. The oblateness is 0.00972398, with the effective temperature being 512.84 kelvin, and the the Earth similarity index is 0.296. The rotational period is 8 hours, 58 minutes, and 52.84 seconds, with the axial tilt being 174*01’20.88”, and the ascending node is 340*27’01.52”. The age of the planet is 215.403 million years, with the gravity on the equator being 230.41 meters per second and the gravity on the poles is 238.52 meters per second. The 1st cosmic velocity is 130.81 kilometers per second, with the 2nd cosmic velocity is 184.99 kilometers per second.
The atmospheric pressure here is indeterminate and the air density here is also indeterminate. The effective height of the traversable atmosphere (which is also the part where this data comes from) is 512.056 kilometers, with the average molar mass being 2.200, and the relative mass is 0.066105. The actual mass of the atmosphere here is 0.65232 M♃, with the average temperature being 512.84 kelvin, (463.44 *F, 239.69 *C), and this temperature is not affected by any greenhouse effect, since it is 0 kelvin.
The planet’s orbital type is elliptical, with its parent being the main star in a binary system, and the orbital period is 270.933 days. The semimajor axis is 1.128 AU, with the pericentric distance being 1.113 AU, and the eccentricity is 0.013. The inclination is 136*48’32.13”, with the ascending node being 340*12’2.58”, and the argument of pericenter is 176*56’41.52”. The mean anomaly is 231*12’56.30”, with the longitude of pericenter being 517*8’44.11”, and the mean longitude is 748*21’40.41”.
There is not a lot of information regarding the internal processes and structures of this world. It is a gas giant so it is fair to assume that most of its interior is gaseous in nature, probably very hot in some paces. There’s most likely a core somewhere, around 15 - 20 times the mass of the Earth, it is assumed to be silicate. This core might be surrounded by some sort of thick oceanic layer of compressed hydrogen and helium. It is essentially assumed that this gas giant has the typical internal composition of any other hot gas giant that is also pretty massive, considering this gas giant is nearly a megajupiter.
There is no real geography or hydrography to speak of here, what could be explained here is the “clougraphy” here. The planet has around ~15ish bands of weather here, all of them are smooth in their texture. There are a few weather bands here which diverge from the planet wide color: white, and instead they have the color of grayish-blue. The bands that have that are typically more violent in their weather and are also rougher in texture. The northernmost blue band is also the one that spins the fastest / has the most violent weather, with it having a rotational period of 2 - 3 hours, as opposed to the typical 6 - 7 hours most of the other bands have.
Climate? There is no real climate here, or a well studied one at least. It is assumed however that whatever climate that this planet has, it is one of a traditional Hot Jupiter. Hot and suffocating. At Least there might be a cooler breeze considering the northern and southern parts have way higher wind speeds, most likely able to have a somewhat chilling effect, especially on the night side! Where it could be freezing. Nothing about this is really known though. Studying the climates of Hot Jupiters is not exactly a priority for most exoplanetary research facilities / organizations.
Moon system[]
Despite this planet being any typical Hot Jupiter, close to its star, close enough that its blinding in any direction that is even close to the star, this planet has a few large captured, planet sized moons.These moons’ orbits are not aligned with any sort of planetary plain, rather their orbits seem to be misaligned and sort of chaotic, which is also why it is thought they are captured. These worlds are of course hot due to their proximity to HIP 30548 A, with three of them being deserts and one of them being a scenic oceanic world, which is also 8 times the mass of the Earth. It is remarkable that a Hot Jupiter is able to keep this many chaotic moons, whilst still being close to the parent star. Sadly though this planet does not have any minor moons, just majors.
Moon gallery[]
Categories | Gelestone | Scorzsho | Ocevelos | Czemem |
Image | ||||
Class | Hot desert | Hot desert | Hot oceania | Hot desert |
Mass | 0.61679 M⨁ | 0.72969 M⨁ | 8.6957 M⨁ | 1.0457 M⨁ |
Diameter | 10695.299 km | 12807.189 km | 27940.451 km | 16491.098 km |
Orbit | 2.293d | 5.015d | 10.955d | 23.989d |
Star system[]
This Hot Jupiter exists within a small binary star system. This system is made up of a primary white main sequence star (F0 V), and a secondary Neutron star. The HIP 30548 system has no comets or asteroid belts of any kind, and this planet is the only one in the system.