Titans are cold planets mainly composed of rocky material, water ice and organic compounds. Despite the significant difference in temperature they share several features with terran planets. This is primarily due to the presence of large amounts of hydrocarbons on these planets. Since temperatures below 180 °C are no exception hydrocarbons can be found in solid, liquid and gaseous state. It is not rare to find oceans of methane spanning many millions of square kilometers. In general the surface of titans is geologically active and the presence of atmosphere combined with the aforementioned properties of hydrocarbons leads to the emergence of seasonal weather patterns and erosive processes that are responsible for the formation of dunes, mountains and canyons. The combination of complex organic molecules under these circumstances can lead to the formation of life-forms. These organisms are usually called "exotic" life, as their intracellular liquid is mainly composed of methane, which gives them fundamentally different biological properties in comparison to water-based organisms that are usually found on terrae.
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