Space Engine planetary Database Wiki

Araganza's information[]

This world is a temperate marine megaterra that was discovered on March 3rd, 1999. The planet has a diameter of 14639.24 miles or 1.8469 R⨁, with the megaplanet having a mass of 6.1744*10^25 kilograms, or 10.335 M⨁, due to the massive size of the planet, it has a small cloud of asteroid moons around it (11). The megaterra has the unique appearance of looking like it has pastel/pale plant life on the coastal regions of the various large continents across the planet. This might be due to the atmospheric composition being quite odd for a marine world, one that could have been a gas giant at one point in the past, but no longer could be. The planet has a density of 9.1557 grams per cubic centimeter, with the oblateness of the planet being 0.0150736. The effective temperature of the planet is 257.99 kelvin, with the average temperature here being 277.83 kelvin. The conversions for that temperature being 40.424 degrees Fahrenheit, or 4.68 degrees Celsius. The planet has an earth similarity index of 0.791, with the albedo of the planet is 0.403544. The rotational period of the planet is 8 hours, 49 minutes, and 42.40 seconds, with the solar day of the planet being 8 hours, 49 minutes, and 59.59 seconds. A very short day, it seems like it is a common thing for large planets.

The axial tilt of the planet is 36*06’19.25”, with the planet having one of the shortest ages recorded with it being only 398.451 million years old. The gravity on the poles for this megaterra is 30.64 meters per second squared, with the equatorial gravity being 29.263 meters per second. The planet has the standard elliptical orbit, with it orbiting the star, Gaia DR2 3347008678803916544, yes a long names, that kind of comes with data names as they prefer number strings rather than actual names.The megaterra has an orbital period of 1.862 years, with a semimajor axis of 1.71 AU. The pericentric distance of the planet is 1.63 AU, with the eccentricity of the planet being 0.050. The inclination of the megaterra is 2*23’23.54”, with the ascending node being 76*02’44.60”. The argument of pericenter is 245*17’42.01”, with the man anomaly of it being 241*50’54.78”. The longitude of pericenter 321*20’26.62”, with the mean longitude of the planet being 563*11’21.40”. The hill sphere radius of the megaterra being 2,909,391.91 miles large, with the influence sphere radius of the planet being 2,155,954.72 miles large. The roche sphere radius of the planet being 12,841.32 miles large. The planet has a large atmosphere, with it being 28.51 miles high, with the tropopause height being 16.792.15 feet high. The height of the homogeneous atmosphere is 11,193 feet, with the atmospheric pressure here being 1.31 ATM.

The air density of the planet is 1.3099 kilograms per cubic meter, with the air temperature here being 277.83 kelvin. The speed of sound is 1,206.42 feet per second, The exosphere temperature of the planet is 1,378.2 kelvin, with the greenhouse effect herer being 19.805 kelvin, not that high. The average molar mass here is 24.189, with the relative mass here being 1.1424*10^-7, with the mass of the planet’s atmosphere being 1.1807*10^-6 M⨁. The atmospheric composition of the planet is one of the most interesting things about this world, with carbon dioxide being 41.8% of the atmosphere, with hydrogen being 30.3% of the atmosphere. Very odd for a marine megaterra, in third, Ammonia, with it being 22.4% of the atmosphere. There is a theory out there that this planet in the past was in the process of becoming a gas giant, and then for some reason stopped, so it's just a core with a very thin vale of a gas giant. The oceans on this planet might not be made of water, and might be made of something else liquid.

This planet is used as a case study of gas giant cores because of that theory and the fact that it has a mix of hydrogen and ammonia. Trace amounts of water vapor and sulfur dioxide have been found in the atmosphere of the planet’s atmosphere with the m being in respective 5th and 6th places. 4th place is methane. There are some mentions of this planet in pop culture/media, pop culture essentially being anything online that gains any sort of traction, with the only significant mention of this planet being that it is the failed gas giant. Since it was discovered in the 90s, it got its own NASA poster, with there even being a game about this planet, where you play as a soldier fighting the rebels while trying to capture points on a map. There were of course other game modes in that game. It was also featured in the year of planets for the year 1999, with it being mentioned as one of the “extremes” as it is a marine core of a gas giant that could have been. Thanks to the atmosphere composition, the skies on this planet are a shade of navy purple/orange.



There are only 11 asteroid moons and no major moons, so this section is empty.

Solar system[]

The planet is part of a 12 planet system around an orange dwarf and is the seventh in its system. The planet is the largest terrestrial body in its system, and there are only 2 gas giants in the system, with a “comet planet” in the system showering    the star system with material from its atmosphere. There are three known dwarf planets in the star system, with 2 of them being located in the inner system. The second and third planets are the dwarf planets, with the last dwarf planet being located after the megaterra. There are 3 sections of the star system, with each of those sections containing 4 planets, the inner system with a superearth, 2 selenas, and a desert planet. The middle system, containing the mgaterra, an oceania, a dwarf planet, and a desert planet. The outer system contains two gas giants, one with rings, a frozen selena, and a frozen ice world. The system is remarkably small mass wise, with not a single planet in the system being above 1 Jupiter mass or at a Jupiter mass. There are 2 orbits in the solar system have been altered by the oversized terrestrial planet, the dwarf planet, which is to be expected, and the warm Terra, which has had its orbit stretched. The “comet planet’s” trail of atmospheric material stretches out past the fourth planet in the system, which is common. There is an asteroid belt in the inner system, around the first 2 planets, which might be remnants from a large collision of some kind, or the protoplanetary formation disk.

Solar system gallery[]

(This is a mod exclusive version of this planet and a magnitude up or down might change it. To get this planet in specific and its system, go to 5M GAIA Catalogs (Mod). 7M will change this world into a hot desert.)
