Space Engine planetary Database Wiki

(Found a whole star system around this star [HIP 99982], pretty interesting, the system also seems to be the most known in ED (Elite Dangerous).)

Aeiloyrra's information[]

Aeiloyrra, otherwise known as HIP 99982 G, is a temperate jupiter located around a Wolf-Rayet star that was discovered on March 24th, 2023. The planet has 75 observed moons, though the planet only has nine major moons. The average temperature "on" the planet is 254.01 kelvin, or (in fahrenheit) -2.4452 *F and (in Celsius) -19.136 *C. This planet is remarkably cold despite how young it is and the fact that it is orbiting a Wolf-Rayet star, a normally very hot and large star that burns up fast. The following is a full composition of the atmosphere, and by extension, the entire planet. Hydrogen is the largest with it making up 87.6% of the atmosphere, Helium comes in second with it making up 7.6%, and in third is Methane, with ti being 3.4%. Octane comes in 4th, with it being around 0.388%, and in 5th comes in propane, yes this planet is mined for propane with it being 0.386%, or 3.86*10^3 ATM. Acetylene comes in 6th, with it being 0.374%, and in 7th, comes in Ethylene, with it being 0.132%.

Ethane comes in at the 8th spot with 572 parts per million. In 9th place is dinitrogen, with it being 399 parts per million; in 10th place is anhydrous ammonia, with it being 276 parts per million; and in 11th place is oxygen, with it being 90.6 parts per million. This might be small, but it's 90.6 ATM, meaning that the amount of oxygen on this planet has 90.6 times the amount of pressure. In 12th, is Neon? Yes, Neon is pretty abundant compared to Earth’s amount. In 13th place is argon, with a mass of 9.26 parts per million, and in 14th place is carbon dioxide, with a mass of 1.77 parts per million. Hydrogen sulfide is in 15th place with it being 0.0158 parts per million, and in 16th place is krypton, with the parts per million being 0.00421. Water is 0.00323 parts per million, and Xenon is 0.000409 parts per million, a rare material. Regular carbon is 0.000307 parts per million, and sulfur dioxide is 0.000117 parts per million. Chlorine is 3.51*10^-6 parts per million, not that much. You could skip this part by just reading the table of atmospheric composition. The gravity on the planet is 2.1771.

The planet is the youngest found yet in the catalog, with its age being only 4.163 million years, and even then it is pretty old considering how long Wold-Rayet stars live in comparison, with the planet’s parent star having only a million years left. The axial tilt of the planet is 66*40’23.88, and the solar day is 8 hours, 56 minutes, and 54.41 seconds. The rotational period of the planet is 00.21 seconds shorter than the solar day, and the orbital period is 197.704 years. The semimajor axis of the planet is 66.16 AU, and the Earth-planet similarity is 0.448. The planet is technically a Subjupiter, with a mass of 0.78199 M♃. The diameter of the planet is 84595.99 miles, with the hill sphere being 1.96 AU, almost twice that of the distance from Earth to the Sun. The inclination of the planet is -1*11’01.75". The planet has an orbital velocity of 22297.12 miles. The diameter of the planet is 87317.68 miles. The distance from the star was measured at 71 AU, with the farthest moon being 0.27 AU.



Names/Categories Eeresthiacal Amederamblesi Ollieckrackl Anam Lolairckal Arrentaska Uovietyaa Ell’s Peak Abigail’s Peak Cendra’s Moon
Position away from planet 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Classification Cold airless subaquaria Cool airless miniaquaria Cool arid subaquaria Cold airless miniaquaria Cool arid aquaria Cool airless microaquaria Cool airless microaquaria Cool arid subaquaria Cool airless microearth
Mass 3.2819 M○ 0.54152 M○ 0.1139 M⨁ 1.5411 M○ 0.23984 M⨁ 0.084407 M○ 0.011735 M○ 0.11685 M⨁ 0.011255 M○
Diameter 3144.97 Miles 1852.56 Miles 4531.29 Miles 2551.09 Miles 5773.78 Miles 990.77 Miles 517.20 Miles 4570.91 Miles 479.52 Miles
Average temperature 169.05 K 177.89 K 0.28566 K 169.04 K 155.55 K 177.6 K 177.63 K 0.51328 K 177.46 K

Atmospheric composition table[]

Molecule Percentage/PPM Atmospheric pressure
Hydrogen 87.6% 8.76*10^5
Helium 7.6% 7.6*10^4
Methane 3.4% 3.4*10^4
Octane 0.388% 3.88*10^3
Propane 0.386% 3.86*10^3
Acetylene 0.374% 3.74*10^3
Ethylene 0.132% 1.32*10^3
Ethane 572 ppm 572 atm
Nitrogen 399 ppm 399 atm
Ammonia 276 ppm 276 atm
Oxygen 90.6 ppm 90.6 atm
Neon 13.2 ppm 13.2 atm
Argon 9.26 ppm 9.26 atm
Carbon Dioxide 1.77 ppm 1.77 atm
Hydrogen sulfide 0.0158 ppm 0.0158 atm
Kyrpton 0.00421 ppm 0.00421 atm
Water 0.00323 ppm 0.00323 atm
Carbon 0.000307 ppm 0.00307 atm
Sulfur dioxide 0.000117 ppm 0.000117 atm
Chlorine 3.51*10^-6 ppm 3.51*10^-6 atm

Contributed stuff here, or is it?
